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The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Weed in a Closet: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

growing weed in a closet

In recent years, there has been a surge in interest surrounding the cultivation of cannabis, whether for medical or recreational purposes. With advancements in technology and the shifting legal landscape in many regions, growing weed at home has become increasingly popular. One of the most discreet and accessible methods for cultivating cannabis is within the confines of a closet. In this blog, we’ll delve into the strategies, techniques, and precautions necessary for successfully growing weed in a closet, from identification to prevention and treatment of common issues.

Factors to Consider When Growing Cannabis in a Closet

growing weed in a closet

Preparation: Clear out your closet and clean the space thoroughly to remove any dust or debris. Ensure the closet has access to electrical outlets for lighting and ventilation.

Grow Lights: Install grow lights in your closet to provide the necessary spectrum of light for cannabis growth. LED or fluorescent lights are suitable options due to their energy efficiency and low heat output.

Ventilation: Install an exhaust fan and ducting to remove stale air and circulate fresh air into the closet. Consider adding a carbon filter to control odors and maintain discretion.

Choose Growing Medium: Decide whether to grow in soil or hydroponics. Soil is beginner-friendly, while hydroponics offers faster growth and greater control over nutrients.

Select Strains: Choose cannabis strains suited for indoor cultivation and your preferences in potency and flavor.

Germination: Germinate seeds using paper towels or directly in a seedling tray. Alternatively, acquire healthy clones from a reputable source.

Transplant: Once germinated or rooted, transplant seedlings into containers filled with growing medium. Ensure containers have proper drainage.

Provide Nutrients and Water: Feed plants with a balanced nutrient solution and water regularly, allowing the growing medium to slightly dry out between waterings.

Monitor Environment: Keep an eye on temperature, humidity, and light levels in the closet. Aim for temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) and humidity levels around 40-60%.

Pruning and Training: Trim away excess foliage and use techniques like topping or low-stress training to encourage bushier growth.

Pest Control: Regularly inspect plants for pests and diseases, using organic methods like neem oil or predatory insects for control.

Harvest and Cure: Harvest mature plants once trichomes turn cloudy or amber. Dry buds in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space, then cure in airtight jars for enhanced flavor and potency.

What are the Benefits of Growing Cannabis in a Closet

growing weed in a closet

Indoor cannabis cultivation, especially in a closet, offers a host of benefits for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of homegrown cannabis. Let’s explore some of these benefits:

Cost-Effectiveness: Growing weed in a closet is relatively inexpensive compared to other methods of cultivation. You don’t need fancy gadgets or elaborate setups – just some basic equipment like grow lights, ventilation, and soil or hydroponic systems. This makes it an accessible option for beginners on a budget.

Accessibility and Convenience: Having your grow space indoors means you can easily monitor and tend to your plants without having to venture outside. This accessibility makes it convenient for beginners to check on their plants regularly, ensuring they receive the care and attention they need to thrive.

Controlled Environment: Closet cultivation allows you to have full control over the growing environment. You can easily regulate factors like temperature, humidity, and lighting to create the ideal conditions for your plants to thrive. This level of control is especially beneficial for beginners who are still learning the nuances of cannabis cultivation.

Privacy and Discretion: One of the most significant benefits of growing weed indoors, particularly in a closet, is the privacy it affords. Whether you live in a region where cannabis cultivation is legally restricted or simply value your privacy, a closet provides a discreet environment away from prying eyes.

Learning Experience: Closet cultivation provides an excellent learning experience for beginners. You’ll get hands-on experience with the entire growing process, from seed to harvest, allowing you to develop your skills and knowledge as a cannabis grower.

Step by Step Guide to Grow Cannabis in a Closet

Once you have worked on the factors mentioned above, you can finally start setting up your closet for growing cannabis. To begin the process of setting up your closet for cannabis cultivation, ensure you have the necessary materials and equipment at hand:

Things You Need

  • A clean and sanitized closet
  • Hangers and fixtures to hang fans and grow lights
  • Cannabis seeds
  • Grow lights with a timer switch
  • Fans for airflow (computer fans or an oscillating fan)
  • Container and growing medium
  • Carbon filter
  • pH meter
  • Gardening stakes and ties
  • Thermometer
  • Flat white paint or mylar film

Follow these steps to prepare your closet for growing cannabis:

  1. Thoroughly clean and sanitize your grow closet, removing any dirt, debris, and potential mold spores.
  2. Paint the inner walls with flat white paint or cover them with mylar film and duct tape to optimize light reflection.
  3. Install the lighting setup and fans, ensuring they are securely mounted and positioned for optimal coverage.
  4. Install the carbon scrubber to manage odor control effectively.
  5. Set up your chosen growing medium in a suitable container, whether soil-based or hydroponic.
  6. Conduct tests to ensure all equipment is functioning correctly, including lights, fans, and airflow.

Once everything is in order, follow these steps diligently to establish a successful cannabis cultivation environment within your closet. Additionally, employ standard cannabis growing techniques to nurture your plant from seedling to full flowering maturity.

Signs that your weed plants are ready for harvest.

Knowing when to harvest your weed plants is crucial for achieving optimal potency, flavor, and yield. Here are some signs to look for that indicate your weed plants are ready for harvest:

Trichome Color: The trichomes, tiny resin glands on the buds, are the best indicator of harvest readiness. Use a magnifying tool to examine the trichomes. When they turn from clear to cloudy or milky white, the plant is nearing peak THC levels. For a more relaxing effect, wait until some trichomes turn amber.

Pistil Color: The pistils are the hair-like structures on the buds. When most of the pistils have darkened and curled inwards, it’s a sign that the plant is close to harvest. However, some strains may have different pistil behaviors, so it’s best to rely on trichome color for accuracy.

Bud Size and Density: Cannabis buds will swell and become denser as they mature. When the buds are large, compact, and tightly packed with trichomes, it’s a good indication that they are ready for harvest.

Aroma: As cannabis matures, it develops a strong, distinct aroma. When the buds emit a potent, pungent smell that is characteristic of the strain, it’s a sign that they are ripe and ready to be harvested.

Leaf Color: As the plant matures, the leaves may start to turn yellow and die off. This is a natural part of the flowering process and can indicate that the plant is approaching harvest time.

Falling Leaves: Towards the end of the flowering stage, some of the older fan leaves may begin to yellow and fall off. This is another indication that the plant is close to being ready for harvest.

Flowering Time: Most cannabis strains have an estimated flowering time provided by the breeder. Once this time has elapsed, it’s a good idea to start monitoring the plant for signs of readiness.

By paying close attention to these signs, you can ensure that your weed plants are harvested at the peak of their potency and quality, resulting in a satisfying and rewarding harvest.


In conclusion, growing cannabis in a closet offers beginners a discreet and accessible path to a rewarding cultivation experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, from initial setup to harvest, growers can confidently nurture their plants to fruition. The benefits of closet cultivation include cost-effectiveness, hands-on learning, and control over the growing environment, leading to higher yields and superior quality buds. Recognizing signs of harvest readiness is key, ensuring optimal potency and flavor. Ultimately, growing weed in a closet is a journey of discovery and self-sufficiency, offering a connection to nature and the satisfaction of cultivating something from seed to harvest. So, beginners are encouraged to dive in with enthusiasm and determination, supported by resources and communities dedicated to closet growing.


1. What are the benefits of growing cannabis in a closet?
Growing cannabis in a closet offers several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, accessibility, privacy, and a controlled environment. It’s a discreet option for beginners, allowing them to learn and experiment with cannabis cultivation without drawing unwanted attention.

2. What equipment do I need to grow cannabis in a closet?
To start growing cannabis in a closet, you’ll need a clean and sanitized space, grow lights, ventilation equipment (such as fans and ducting), containers and growing medium, a carbon filter for odor control, pH meter, gardening stakes, and a thermometer. Additionally, consider using flat white paint or mylar film to optimize light reflection.

3. How do I know when my weed plants are ready for harvest?
Several signs indicate that your weed plants are ready for harvest, including trichome color (cloudy or amber), pistil color (darkened and curled), bud size and density, aroma, leaf color (yellowing and dying off), falling leaves, and flowering time. Pay close attention to these indicators to ensure a satisfying and rewarding harvest.

4. What are some common issues to watch out for when growing cannabis in a closet?
Common issues when growing cannabis in a closet include pest infestations, nutrient deficiencies, overwatering or underwatering, temperature and humidity fluctuations, and poor airflow. Regular monitoring and proactive measures can help prevent and address these issues effectively.

5. Where can I find further resources and support for growing cannabis in a closet?
For additional guidance and support, consider exploring online forums, grow guides, and community groups dedicated to cannabis cultivation. Reputable books or courses on cannabis growing can also provide valuable insights and tips for success. Remember, learning from experienced growers and sharing experiences with fellow enthusiasts can enhance your closet cultivation journey.

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